Broadband and Leased Lines in Manchester
Bring your Internet into the 21st century
Prices are dropping, speeds are increasing and availability is becoming much wider, we have partnered with a number of Leased Line and Business Broadband providers to give our customers the best priced highest performing and most reliable internet connections.
We have recently saved one of of our clients over £140 per month on a 100Mbit leased line in city centre Manchester. That's a saving of £1680 per year for the exact same service.
Leased lines are the only real choice if you are operating the following on your network.
VPNs Remote Workers / Branch Office
WiFi Inc Guest Wifi (hospitality, hotels, bars etc)
VOIP Phones
Bespoke Applications
Background Music Streaming
Order Systems
WHY us?
Anyone can install a broadband connection and leave it at that just working. Thats the easy bit.
To get the best most from your network it needs setting up correctly depending upon which services you are going to put on it.
We design and plan the install to ensure the services that require prioritisation are setup correctly.
What to Expect?
Leased Lines and fibre broadband connections in Manchester used to be found only in large corporations. This was mainly down to how expensive the installation and monthly costs.
The way we work has been steadily evolving along with increasing speeds, reliability and the increasing use of cloud services.
What can you expect.
45-70 day lead time upon completion of order. Wired Connections
Up to 28 day lead time wireless leased line Manchester Leeds only.
Managed Router with strict SLA 4-6 hours.
24 x 7 Monitoring of connection with immediate notification of any issues.
12 Month - 36 Month Contract
Gigabit voucher scheme to offset installation costs (Conditions apply.
Leased lines can cost as little as £8 per day